昨日 Android 4.4のFactory Imagesが利用できると書きました
Factory Images Android 4.4(KRT16O) for Nexus 7
しかし、毎度お世話になっているroot化ツールのNexus Root Toolkitが1.7.5でまだNexus 7 Android 4.4に対応していなかったのですが先ほど確認したら1.7.6で対応していました。仕事はやっ!
WugFresh Nexus Root Toolkit v1.7.6
What’s new in Nexus Root Toolkit 1.7.6: November 15th, 2013
· Extended full support to all the devices that just recently got upgraded KitKat (N4, N7 WiFi, N7 Mobile, N7 v2 WiFi, N7 v2 Mobile, N10)
· Enhanced the Screenrecording feature; more specifically – made it so the end-user can stop a recording early at anytime by pressing the ESC key on their keyboard.
· Added some info to the driver guide that may be helpful.
· Other small fixes and optimizations.