Ubuntu 20とRHEL 8をActive DIrectory認証できるようにCENTRIFY EXPRESS FOR LINUXをインストールしました。
試しにUbuntu 20からRHEL 8へssh接続できるか試してみましたが、問題なくActive DIrectoryユーザでログインすることができました。
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guest03@Ubuntu20:~$ ssh guest03@ The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:mVWZsAnvMdVnxLg5LccZkpp/t1BGaR5j0/v666dqa03. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts. guest03@'s password: Web console: https://rhel8.rootlinks.net:9090/ or Register this system with Red Hat Insights: insights-client --register Create an account or view all your systems at https://red.ht/insights-dashboard Last login: Wed Jan 5 08:10:00 2022 from [guest03@rhel8 ~]$ hostname rhel8.rootlinks.net [guest03@rhel8 ~]$ id uid=343934036(guest03) gid=343934036(guest03) groups=343934036(guest03),343933441(domain_users) |