Install SOCKS proxy server(Dante) on CentOS 7 with GhettoForge repo


以前、SOCKS proxy serverのDanteをCentOS 7にインストールしました。

Install SOCKS proxy server on CentOS 7(Dante)


ちょっと気になって調べたらGhettoForge repositoryがDanteパッケージを提供しているようです。

Install Howto

Download the latest gf-release rpm from
Install gf-release rpm:
# rpm -Uvh gf-release*rpm
Install dante-server rpm package:
# yum –enablerepo=gf-plus install dante-server


  1. Install GhettoForge repository
  2. [gf]がデフォルトで有効になっています。[gf]は[base]/EPEL repoと競合しないパッケージの提供のようです。

    List of Available Repositories & Suggested Usage

    GhettoForge has multiple repositories that are organized as follows:

    [gf] – This is the base repo that contains packages that do not conflict with packages in [base]/EPEL. This repo is enabled by default.
    [gf-plus] – This repo is for packages that supercede or conflict with those in [base]/EPEL. This repo is disabled by default.
    [gf-testing] – Packages that are not yet ready for production use are located in this repo. There is no distinction made here for packages which may conflict with those in [base]/EPEL. Users that are testing components are expected to understand that these packages may not be fully functional and that they may conflict. Caution is urged in using this repo. This repo is disabled by default.
    [gf-source] – All source rpms for packages in the [gf] repo are located here.
    [gf-plus-source] – Similarly source for packages in [gf-plus] can be found here.
    [gf-testing-source] – Source for packages in [gf-testing] are here.

  3. Install Dante server
  4. Dante Serverは[gf-plus]にあります。

  5. /etc/sockd.confの編集
  6. 許可するクライアント等を設定します。



  7. Firewallの許可
  8. サービスの有効化と開始
  9. エラーが表示されたら/etc/sockd.confを見直して下さい。

  10. logrotate
  11. /etc/logrotate.d/sockdを作成します。




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