Linux server backup using the Mondo Rescue


さて、それでは試しにLinuxサーバをMondo Rescueでバックアップしてみます

mondoarchive command


-O バックアップ
-p ファイル名にhost1を使う(1枚目:host1-1.iso 2枚目:host1-2.isoになる)
-i ISOファイルにする
-E バックアップから除外するディレクトリ/ファイル
-d ISOファイルを保存するディレクトリ
-s 分割サイズ(4Gで分割)
-G 圧縮エンジンをbzip2の代わりにgzipを使う

[root@host1 ~]# cd /tmp
[root@host1 tmp]# mondoarchive -O -p host1 -i -E /tmp -d /tmp -s 4g -G
See /var/log/mondoarchive.log for details of backup run.
Checking sanity of your Linux distribution
BusyBox’s sources are available from
Making catalog of files to be backed up
—evalcall—1— Making catalog of /
—evalcall—2— TASK: [********************] 97% done; 0:00 to go
Dividing filelist into sets
Dividing filelist into sets. Please wait.
—evalcall—1— Dividing filelist into sets
—evalcall—2— TASK: [********************] 99% done; 0:00 to go
Your backup will occupy approximately three media.
Copying Mondo’s core files to the scratch directory
Calling MINDI to create boot+data disks
Your boot loader is GRUB and it boots from /dev/sda
Boot loader version string: grub (GNU GRUB 0.97)
—evalcall—1— Calling MINDI to create boot+data disk
—evalcall—2— TASK: [*……………….] 3% done; 0:00 to go
—evalcall—1— Calling MINDI to create boot+data disk
—evalcall—2— TASK: [********************] 99% done; 0:00 to go
Boot+data disks were created OK
Preparing to archive your data
Archiving regular files to media
Archiving regular files
—progress-form—1— I am backing up your live filesystem now.
—progress-form—2— Please wait. This may take a couple of hours.
—progress-form—3— Working…
—progress-form—4— TASK: [********************] 99% done; 0:01 to go
—progress-form—1— I am backing up your live filesystem now.
—progress-form—2— ISO 2: [***************…..] 71% used
—progress-form—3— Please wait. This may take a couple of hours.
—progress-form—4— TASK: [********************] 100% done; 0:00 to go
Your regular files have been archived successfully.
Archiving large files to media
I am now backing up all large files.
—progress-form—1— I am now backing up all large files.
—progress-form—2— Please wait. This may take some time.
—progress-form—4— TASK: [*……………….] 1% done; 0:00 to go
—progress-form—4— TASK: [***************…..] 75% done; 0:19 to go
—progress-form—1— I am now backing up all large files.
—progress-form—2— ISO 2: [********************] 99% used
—progress-form—3— Please wait. This may take some time.
—progress-form—4— TASK: [****************….] 76% done; 0:18 to go
Please be patient. Do not be alarmed by on-screen inactivity.
—evalcall—1— Running mkisofs to make ISO #2
—evalcall—2— TASK: [*……………….] 5% done; 0:19 to go
—evalcall—1— Running mkisofs to make ISO #2
—evalcall—2— TASK: [********************] 96% done; 0:06 to go
Call to mkisofs to make ISO (ISO #2) …OK
—progress-form—1— I am now backing up all large files.
—progress-form—2— ISO 3: [*……………….] 1% used
—progress-form—3— Please wait. This may take some time.
—progress-form—4— TASK: [********************] 100% done; 0:00 to go
—progress-form—1— I am now backing up all large files.
—progress-form—2— ISO 3: [***……………..] 11% used
—progress-form—3— Please wait. This may take some time.
—progress-form—4— TASK: [********************] 100% done; 0:00 to go
Writing any remaining data to media
Please be patient. Do not be alarmed by on-screen inactivity.
—evalcall—1— Running mkisofs to make ISO #3
—evalcall—2— TASK: [***************…..] 72% done; 0:00 to go
Call to mkisofs to make ISO (ISO #3) …OK
Backup and/or verify ran to completion. Everything appears to be fine.
/var/cache/mindi/mondorescue.iso, a boot/utility CD, is available if you want it
Data archived OK.
Mondoarchive ran OK.
See /var/log/mondoarchive.log for details of backup run.
Execution run ended; result=0
Type ‘less /var/log/mondoarchive.log’ to see the output log



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