さて、最後にVMware ESXiのうるう秒についてです。
VMware ESXi and Leap Seconds (2121190)
ESX/ESXi utilizes the RFC-1589 clock model, appropriately handling leap seconds.It is not necessary to enable Slew Mode for NTP in ESX/ESXi’s NTP client, or to otherwise work around leap seconds by disabling and re-enabling the NTP client before and after the leap second’s occurrence. For more information, see Enabling Slew Mode for NTP (2121016).
However, while ESX/ESXi server is not expected to experience negative impact from a leap second taking place, it remains possible for Guest Operating Systems and/or running applications to experience an impact, independent of ESX/ESXi, if it is not designed to handle one. VMware recommends customers to test their complete solutions.
(※なんか変な日本語^^; 英語の拙さを暴露だな)
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~ # vmware -lv VMware ESXi 5.5.0 build-2302651 VMware ESXi 5.5.0 Update 2 ~ # ps -c | grep ntpd 33747 33747 ntpd /sbin/ntpd -g -n -c /etc/ntp.conf -f /etc/ntp.drift ~ # ntpq -p remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter ============================================================================== *ntp2.jst.mfeed. 2 u 50m 1024 374 5.250 2.723 3.843 ~ # ntpq -c rv associd=0 status=0688 leap_none, sync_ntp, 8 events, no_sys_peer, version="ntpd 4.2.6p2@1.2194-o Tue Jan 21 05:49:29 UTC 2014 (1)", processor="x86_64", system="VMkernel/5.5.0", leap=00, stratum=3, precision=-21, rootdelay=58.058, rootdisp=105.853, refid=, reftime=d9349f40.98ef6de4 Wed, Jun 24 2015 3:15:12.597, clock=d934a487.daf123d7 Wed, Jun 24 2015 3:37:43.855, peer=19038, tc=10, mintc=3, offset=-0.596, frequency=48.693, sys_jitter=2.639, clk_jitter=2.744, clk_wander=0.189 |
起動スクリプトの/etc/init.d/ntpd に
1 |
NTPD_OPTS="-g -n -c ${NTPD_CONFIG} -f /etc/ntp.drift" |
があって、ここに-xを追加しようとしたら/etcはマウントがread onlyで書換えられなかったので/etc/ntp.conに下記を追加してみました。
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~ # vi /etc/ntp.conf ~ # cat /etc/ntp.conf tinker step 0 restrict default kod nomodify notrap nopeer restrict server ntp.jst.mfeed.ad.jp driftfile /etc/ntp.drift ~ # /etc/init.d/ntpd restart Stopping ntpd watchdog-ntpd: Terminating watchdog process with PID 39829229 Starting ntpd |
そもそも”tinker step 0″が有効なのかな…
slew modeになっているか確認するコマンドがあればいいのだけど見つけられなかった。
【2015/06/25 追記】
2012年7月1日の うるう秒 調整時の ntpd の挙動観測データ
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~ # ntpdc -c sysinfo (snip) system flags: auth monitor ntp stats (snip) |
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[root@host01 ~]# ps ax | grep ntp 6475 ? SLs 0:00 ntpd -u ntp:ntp -p /var/run/ntpd.pid -g [root@host01 ~]# ntpdc -c sysinfo system flags: auth monitor ntp kernel stats (snip) |
VMware ESXi 5.5のntpd
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ntpd - NTP daemon program - Ver. 4.2.6p2 USAGE: ntpd [ -<flag> [<val>] | --<name>[{=| }<val>] ]... Flg Arg Option-Name Description -4 no ipv4 Force IPv4 DNS name resolution -6 no ipv6 Force IPv6 DNS name resolution -a no authreq Require crypto authentication -A no authnoreq Do not require crypto authentication -b no bcastsync Allow us to sync to broadcast servers -c Str configfile configuration file name -f Str driftfile frequency drift file name -g no panicgate Allow the first adjustment to be Big -I Str interface Listen on an interface name or address -k Str keyfile path to symmetric keys -l Str logfile path to the log file -L no novirtualips Do not listen to virtual interfaces -n no nofork Do not fork -N no nice Run at high priority -p Str pidfile path to the PID file -P Num priority Process priority -q no quit Set the time and quit -r Str propagationdelay Broadcast/propagation delay Str saveconfigquit Save parsed configuration and quit -s Str statsdir Statistics file location -t Str trustedkey Trusted key number -U Num updateinterval interval in seconds between scans for new or dropped interfaces Str var make ARG an ntp variable (RW) Str dvar make ARG an ntp variable (RW|DEF) -x no slew Slew up to 600 seconds opt version Output version information and exit -? no help Display extended usage information and exit -! no more-help Extended usage information passed thru pager |